Tag: Patristic Nectar

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great 7 Spiritual Quotes

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great The Action of Divine Providence Providence is manifested in events which occur in accordance with divine necessity — such as the daily rising and setting of the sun, and the yielding of fruits by the earth. Law, similarly, is manifested in events which occur in accordance with […]

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church 8 Quotes

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church 1. They asked Abba Sisoes, ‘If a brother sins, surely he must do penance for a year?’ He replied, ‘That is a hard saying.’ The visitors said, ‘For six months?’ He replied, ‘That is a great deal.’ They said, ‘For forty days? ‘He said, ‘That is […]

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom 10 Sayings by John Chrysostom

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom 1- Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, and protection against sadness. 2 – When you are before the altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men; but believe that there are […]

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love 11 Sayings of St. Maximus

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love 1. The person who loves God cannot help loving every man as himself, even though he is grieved by the passions of those who are not yet purified. But when they amend their lives, his delight is indescribable and knows no bounds. Four Hundred Texts on […]

Advancing toward Perfection II – Desert Church Fathers

Advancing toward Perfection II – Desert Church Fathers Desert Church Fathers

12. They used to say of Abba Theodore of Pherme that he exceeded many in these three points: poverty, asceticism, and fleeing from folk. 13. Abba John Colobos said, “Personally, I would like a person to participate in all the virtues. So when you arise at dawn each day, make a fresh start in every […]

Advancing toward Perfection I – Desert Fathers of the Church

Advancing toward Perfection I – Desert Fathers of the Church Advancing toward Perfection

An Exhortation of Holy Fathers on Advancing toward Perfection 1. Somebody asked Antony, “By observing which [pre- cept] shall I be well pleasing to God?” The elder answered, “Observe what I am telling you: Always have God before your eyes wherever you go. Whatever you are doing, have the testimony from Holy Scripture to hand. […]