Category: Patristic Nectar

Desert Fathers of the Church – 13 Quotes

Desert Fathers of the Church – 13 Quotes Desert Fathers

Desert Fathers of the Church – 13 Quotes 1 – The brothers praised a monk before Abba Anthony the monk came to see him, Anthony wanted to know how he would bear insults; and seeing that he could not bear them at all, he said to him, ‘You are like a village magnificently decorated on the outside […]

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great 7 Spiritual Quotes

7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great The Action of Divine Providence Providence is manifested in events which occur in accordance with divine necessity — such as the daily rising and setting of the sun, and the yielding of fruits by the earth. Law, similarly, is manifested in events which occur in accordance with […]

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church 8 Quotes

8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church 1. They asked Abba Sisoes, ‘If a brother sins, surely he must do penance for a year?’ He replied, ‘That is a hard saying.’ The visitors said, ‘For six months?’ He replied, ‘That is a great deal.’ They said, ‘For forty days? ‘He said, ‘That is […]

On Love of God – St. John Chrysostom

On Love of God – St. John Chrysostom On love of God

On Love of God – St. John Chrysostom. For to have offended God is more distressing than to be punished. But now we are so wretchedly disposed, that, were there no fear of hell, we should not even choose readily to do any good thing. Wherefore was it for nothing else, yet for this at […]

The Most-holy Theotokos –  10 Quotes from the Church Fathers

The Most-holy Theotokos –  10 Quotes from the Church Fathers The Most-holy Theotokos

The Most-holy Theotokos –  10 Quotes from the Church Fathers I have been amazed that some are utterly in doubt as to whether or not the Holy Virgin is able to be called the Mother of God. For if our Lord Jesus Christ is God, how should the Holy Virgin who bore him not be […]

12 Insightful Sayings from the Three Hierarchs of the Church

12 Insightful Sayings from the Three Hierarchs of the Church 12 Insightful Sayings

12 Insightful Sayings from the Three Hierarchs of the Church *** 1 – “Troubles are usually the brooms and shovels that smooth the road to a good man’s fortune, and many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger.” ~ Saint Basil […]

The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Eve

The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Eve Repentance

The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Eve – St. Symeon the New Theologian Being banished from Paradise, Adam and Eve immediately began to thirst and hunger, freeze, and shiver, to have labor and sweat and endure all those difficulties and griefs that we even now endure. Therefore, they soon felt into what a bitter condition […]

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom 10 Sayings by John Chrysostom

10 Sayings by John Chrysostom 1- Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, and protection against sadness. 2 – When you are before the altar where Christ reposes, you ought no longer to think that you are amongst men; but believe that there are […]

The grace of Christ will fill our souls – St. Pasios the Athonite

The grace of Christ will fill our souls – St. Pasios the Athonite The grace of Christ

The grace of Christ will fill our souls – St. Pasios the Athonite When we believe in God and have trust in His fatherly providence and concern, then we do not think of ourselves. Instead, we know that God is aware of our needs and looks after our problems, from the simplest to the most serious […]

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love 11 Sayings of St. Maximus

11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love 1. The person who loves God cannot help loving every man as himself, even though he is grieved by the passions of those who are not yet purified. But when they amend their lives, his delight is indescribable and knows no bounds. Four Hundred Texts on […]