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Desert Fathers
Desert Fathers of the Church - 13 Quotes
Desert Fathers of the Church – 13 Quotes 1 – The brothers praised a monk before Abba Anthony the...
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7 Spiritual Quotes
7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great
7 Spiritual Quotes by Saint Anthony the Great The Action of Divine Providence Providence is manifested...
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8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church
8 Quotes by the Desert Fathers of the Church 1. They asked Abba Sisoes, ‘If a brother sins, surely he...
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On love of God
On Love of God - St. John Chrysostom
On Love of God – St. John Chrysostom. For to have offended God is more distressing than to be punished....
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The Most-holy Theotokos
The Most-holy Theotokos -  10 Quotes from the Church Fathers
The Most-holy Theotokos –  10 Quotes from the Church Fathers I have been amazed that some are utterly...
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12 Insightful Sayings
12 Insightful Sayings from the Three Hierarchs of the Church
12 Insightful Sayings from the Three Hierarchs of the Church *** 1 – “Troubles are usually the...
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The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Eve
The Banishment and Repentance of Adam and Eve – St. Symeon the New Theologian Being banished from...
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10 Sayings by John Chrysostom
10 Sayings by John Chrysostom
10 Sayings by John Chrysostom 1- Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness,...
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The grace of Christ
The grace of Christ will fill our souls - St. Pasios the Athonite
The grace of Christ will fill our souls – St. Pasios the Athonite When we believe in God and have...
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11 Sayings of St. Maximus
11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love
11 Sayings of St. Maximus the Confessor on Love 1. The person who loves God cannot help loving every...
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15 Sayings from Athanasius
15 Sayings from Athanasius of Alexandria On the Incarnation
Read these 15 Sayings from Athanasius of Alexandria On the Incarnation of Logos, published by St. Vladimir’s...
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10 Inspiration Sayings
10 Inspiration Sayings from St. Anthony the Great
Read below 10 Inspiration Sayings from St. Anthony theGreat. These 10 Inspiration Sayings are selected...
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Desert Church Fathers
Advancing toward Perfection II - Desert Church Fathers
12. They used to say of Abba Theodore of Pherme that he exceeded many in these three points: poverty,...
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Advancing toward Perfection
Advancing toward Perfection I - Desert Fathers of the Church
An Exhortation of Holy Fathers on Advancing toward Perfection 1. Somebody asked Antony, “By observing...
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