Month: April 2023

Consequences of the Fall – Met. Kallistos Ware

Consequences of the Fall – Met. Kallistos Ware Consequences of the Fall

Consequences of the Fall by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia Created for fellowship with the Holy Trinity, called to advance in love from the divine image to the divine likeness, man chose instead a path that led not up but down. He repudiated the Godward relationship that is his true essence. Instead of acting as […]

Death is Overcome by Life – Fr. Alexander Schmemann

Death is Overcome by Life – Fr. Alexander Schmemann Death

This is the Blessed Sabbath – Fr. Alexander Schmemann The “Great and Holy Sabbath” is the day which connects Good Friday, the commemoration of the Cross with the Day of His Resurrection. To many the real nature and the meaning of this “connection,” the very necessity of this “middle day” remains obscure. For a good […]

The Last Supper – Great and Holy Thursday

The Last Supper – Great and Holy Thursday The Last Supper

The Last Supper – Great and Holy Thursday By Fr. Alexander Schmemann Two events shape the liturgy of the Great and Holy Thursday: the Last Supper of Christ with His disciples and the betrayal of Judas. The meaning of both is in love. The Last Supper is the ultimate revelation of God’s redeeming love for […]

The Second Coming of Christ will be Completely Unexpected

The Second Coming of Christ will be Completely Unexpected The Second Coming

The Second Coming of Christ will be Completely Unexpected   Luke 12:32–40 By St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and All Crimea (Delivered on November 13, 1947) When Jesus Christ parted with the disciples on the Mount of Olives before the Ascension, they asked: “At this time, Lord, are You restoring the kingdom to Israel?” He […]

Holy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Fr. Alexander Schmemann

Holy Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Fr. Alexander Schmemann Holy

Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – Fr. Alexander Schmemann These three days, which the Church calls Great and Holy have within the liturgical development of the Holy Week a very definite purpose. They place all its celebrations in the perspective of End; they remind us of the eschatological meaning of Pascha. So often the Holy […]

Palm Sunday: the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem

Palm Sunday: the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday: the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem The Saturday of Lazarus, from the liturgical point of view, is the pre-feast of Palm Sunday — the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem. Both feasts have a common theme: triumph and victory. Saturday reveals the Enemy, which is death; Palm Sunday announces the meaning of […]

Saturday of Lazarus: The Beginning of the Cross

Saturday of Lazarus: The Beginning of the Cross Saturday of Lazarus

Saturday of Lazarus: The Beginning of the Cross – Fr. Alexander Schmemann “Having fulfilled the Forty Days… we ask to see the Holy Week of Thy passion.” With these words sung at Vespers of Palm Friday, Lent comes to its end and we enter into the annual commemoration of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. It […]

On Illness:  I feel the illness as the love of Christ

On Illness:  I feel the illness as the love of Christ On Illness

On Illness:  I feel the illness as the love of Christ By Elder Porphyrios Kafsokalivitis ‘My Christ, Your love knows no limits!’ I thank God for granting me many illnesses. I often say to Him: ‘My Christ, Your love knows no limits!’ How I am alive is a miracle. Among all my other illnesses I […]